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How to care for your cut peonies:

Start with a clean vase, bacteria shortens the life of your flowers.

Mix cool water with floral preservative. Follow the directions on the floral preservative sachet to get the correct ratio of water to preservative. The floral preservative, prolongs the life and beauty of your peonies. You will receive some with your peonies, please use it. Please keep floral preservative out of the reach of children.

Remove lower leaves so they do not sit in the water.

Cut ½ to 1 inch off of the bottom of the stem. Use a clean sharp knife, clippers or scissors. Cut at an angle to prevent damaging and flattening the stem. The clean cut allows the flower to drink. Pop them in the cool water with preservative right away, while the cut is still fresh. 

Peonies are very thirsty flowers, check the water level daily. Top up with cool water, you don’t need more floral preservative. It is not necessary to change the water, but if you do, use floral preservative. 

Flowers last longer when they are cool and when not exposed to: direct sunlight, smoke, the draft of the air conditioner or the gasses of ripening fruit.

If you want your blooms to open fast, which reduces their “lifespan”, use luke-warm water.